For the first time in Germany, the ERF is bringing together the European robotics community to present current developments and shape the future of the technology. The hosts and partners are Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IAO, the University of Stuttgart, Cyber Valley, the state capital Stuttgart and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. With this year’s motto „Boosting the Synergies between Robotics and AI for a Stronger Europe“, it fits perfectly into the current times, which are characterised by technological leaps and in which the economy is also heavily reliant on innovation.
The ERF brings together over 1,300 participants from research, industry and politics and offers an extensive and varied programme:
- keynote speeches by top-class speakers, e.g.
- Jörg Burzer, Mercedes on „Transformation in Production: Pioneering technologies for sustainable automotive production of the future“,
- Dieter Fox, Nvidia on „Where is RobotGPT?“,
- David Reger, Neura Robotics on cognitive and humanoid robotics
- as well as contributions from players from science and politics
- workshops, e.g. on generative AI in robotics and robotics. on generative AI in robot programming and on humanoid robots and their first practical applications in automotive manufacturing, thematic blocks on topics such as regulation and attractive evening events, see
- A sold-out exhibition with over 75 exhibitors and sponsors:
- Tours of companies and research institutions in the regional robotics ecosystem
AI-Matters is participating in the forum with the workshop „WS#27 Challenging Robotics/AI Use Cases by End-Users“, which will take place on 26 March at 8.30 am. Tickets at the regular price are still available until 14 March, 12 noon CET, after which the onsite rates apply.