jQuery(document).ready(function($) { function updateResultsCount() { // Count the number of visible items in the loop grid var itemCount = $('.elementor-loop-item').length; // Adjust selector if necessary // Update the text in the results count element $('.loop-results-count').text('Total Results: ' + itemCount); } // Run the function once on page load updateResultsCount(); // If you are using AJAX filters, trigger this function after filters are applied $(document).on('wbwpf_ajax_filter_success', function() { updateResultsCount(); // Recalculate after filters are applied }); // Optionally, if you use pagination or infinite scroll, run the update on new content load $(document).on('elementor/pagination/change', function() { updateResultsCount(); // Recalculate after pagination }); });

Next event


Round table session: ‘AI applications in the (high-tech) manufacturing industry’- October 31st

Safety test

Service description

A safety test of a robot cell. Validation of a robot cell meets the requirement of ISO 10218

Enhance your manufacturing
project with AI technologies