AI TEF for Industrial Metaverse

Service description

1) The cave is an immersive environment that helps visualize and simulate the capability and utility of an interaction between the AI application and the physical environment. In particular, such a service is dedicated to those solutions that are designed to interact with people, objects, machines and physical assets within environments where testing activities are difficult (Airports, mines, hospitals, burning buildings etc.). For that reason, CAVE offers the capability to replicate such environments and test the interaction between the real, tangible world (people, asset, objects) with the AI application by providing a real-immersive experience.
2) AI for supporting code development of VR application: the available physical infrastructure in MADE (CAVE and Visors) can be used to test how an AI solution is able to support the creation and development of the code needed to create content in VR. In this context, the HW and SW of the facilities will be used to validate the output of such an application;
3) Virtual Assistant human-like: the VR environment is provided for testing and validating the virtual assistant able to interact with people and support conversations on a range of topics. The service is delivered by providing the realization of manufacturing context (maintenance task, testing task, training activities for new employees) and the testing and supporting the development of an AI Assistant Machine able to carry out the human language interpretation.
4) Data visualization: this aspect can be exploited for those AI algorithm developer than need to visualize 3d data as such as neural network nodes, graphs, perceptron layers, etc.
Expected results: . Testing the immersive interaction in a digital twin environment of a real scenario.
. Evaluation of AI-provider capabilities of automatically creating source code and 3D environments
. Evaluate and visualize in 3D data of the AI-provider neural network
Methodology: Needs and requirements analysis; – Analysis, of concept; – Data preparation pipelines, – On site Test before Invest
Target: Manufactuirng companies and asset provider – Software solution provider for digital twin and XR services

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project with AI technologies