AI-MATTERS is a network of seven nodes and one satellite aiming at increasing the resilience and the flexibility of the European manufacturingsector through the deployment of the latest developments in AI and robotics,and intelligent, autonomous systems for flexible production. The project is co-funded by the European Commission and sources at national/regional level.

Get to know the nodes: Denmark
In every newsletter, we put the spotlight on one of AI-MATTERS’ nodes. In this edition, the Danish node presents itself.
Denmark is home to more than 300 robotic, automation and drone companies across the country employing around 8,500 people. This thriving industry positions Denmark as a leading player in European technological innovation.
We give you access to advanced equipment and world-class test facilities, where you can test technologies for concrete use of artificial intelligence:
- Tech and Business Development at Odense Robotics
- AI for Robotics Lab, Vision Lab, Cobot Lab, Autonomous Robotics Lab and other robot facilities at the Danish Technological Institute.
- AI and Data Analytics Lab at the Alexandra Institute
- IdemoLab and Nordic IoT Center at FORCE Technology

Case: Expanding the field of biosolutions through AI
Nature’s muscles can lift the green transition through biosolutions. We develop AI and sensor technology that can accelerate the development of the biosolutions industry.
“Harnessing the power of AI and data offers novel insights into biological processes. Through software and AI algorithms, we can analyse and interpret sensor data from our equipment. This aids in scaling up processes and creating digital twins”, says Ulrik Hvidbjerg Nielsen, Senior Project Manager at DTI. Watch the video for more information about this case.

Learn more about AI in manufacturing in your local language
Next to our central AI-MATTERS website, we have recently launched local websites for each of the 8 testing and experimentation facilities (TEFs) throughout Europe.
Each of these websites contains local information, such as news, events, open calls and local services. An overview of the AI-Matters websites:
Most of the information on these websites is available in the national language and in the coming weeks the last bits and pieces will be added, so stay tuned!

On the road to build a new intelligent code generator!
Efalia and AI-MATTERS EU are teaming up, leveraging CEA-List expertise in NLP (information extraction, classification, code and text generation) and MBSE (requirements, conformity, safety, and code verification) to upgrade the Efalia Compose solution with a new Smart Code Generator.
This intelligent code generator represents a significant leap forward for automating and simplifying document publishing processes. A Proof of Concept is set for early 2025 to demonstrate its industrial potiential.

Czech node launches AI-MATTERS Open Call
SMEs developing technology solutions and products using artificial intelligence (AI) for industry now have a unique opportunity to receive significant financial support. Thanks to the TEF support scheme and the European AI-MATTERS network, companies can use the state-of-the-art infrastructure of the so-called industrial testbeds at the technical universities in Prague, Brno and Ostrava under extremely favourable conditions. In the Czech Republic, a budget of CZK 200 million from European and national sources has been earmarked for these purposes, which companies can draw on for highly professional services in the coming years.

Danish Robot and Automation Expo 2025
Mark your calendar: The Danish Robot and Automation Expo 2025 (also known as “ROBOTBRAG”) takes place 8th and 9th May in Odense, Denmark.
Here, more than 3,000 people flock to the robot innovation facilities of DTI to experience the more than 100 robot technologies with arms, legs, wheels and rotors that are on display.
Season’s Greetings from all of our partners ✨

Get in touch!
Are you interested in one of our services? Do you want to know more on how AI-MATTERS works and what we can do for you? Get in touch with us!