Consortium Member

French node

The French node is at the heart of the Paris-Saclay innovation ecosystem on the NanoINNOV Campus.

CEA List is the coordinator of the French Node.
CEA List is part of the technological research division of CEA. The List Institute focuses on interdisciplinary research in responsible AI, Smart robotics, Digital instrumentation, Software and system engineering.

The node is supported by the PRISM Platform involving industrial partners and offering advanced capacities for manufacturing.

Node equipment

Main equipment

Robotics & AI test and experimentation laboratory and equipment

  • Digital Twin platform
  • Petaflops-class supercomputers for running AI applications
  • Additive manufacturing unit

Planned investment/infrastructure deployment

2 M€ budget for setting up pilot lines for logistics, assembly and disassembly operations installed on a surface of 1500 m2 of experimentation areas and immersive workspace for digital twin and software engineering applications.

Further infrastructure deployment : Integrated pilot lines for manufacturing operations.

Node services

Human-Robot interaction

Human-Robot interaction, e.g, cobotics systems, AI powered robots, digital twin, intelligent grasping, vision systems, NLP technologies for robot programming, Virtual Reality (VR) technology to learn technical gesture.
Lead contact:
Dr. Björn Kahl

Factory-level optimization

Factory-level optimization, e.g use of simulation to optimize production lines, process planning and monitoring, experiment connectivity solutions, assess autonomous driving of AMR in specific industrial environment.
Lead contact:
Urs Pecha

Circular economy

Circular economy, e.g test-bed for automatic disassembly task, digital twin for product traceability, additive manufacturing .
Lead contact:
Frederik Wulle

The PRISM platform offers an infrastructure and easily adaptable technologies to develop and assess AI based solutions for manufacturing.

Illustrative services already in place

The French Node provides services to support companies in the experimentation of cutting-edge technologies and the development of innovative solutions.

  1. Collaborative robotics
    Assessment of collaborative system for manufacturing tasks such as inspection, sanding, finishing, pick & place.

  2. Industrial robots
    Evaluation of object recognition and pose estimation algorithms and benchmark of gripper technologies and grasping concepts.

  3. AI for decision making
    Use of AI algorithm for autonomous decision making, to enable a system or a robot to make a decision and act in a given situation
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