AI TEF for AI algorithm for Quotation

Service description

The service aims to test logic and algorithms needed to make accurate quotations (of a processing, product or service realization). This service consists of several activities: 1) analysis of the object to be quoted, for the identification of the technical, economic requirements 2) development and testing of a platform capable of adapting the mathematical model to the requirements gathered 3) integration with a data collection system necessary to measure the actual cost of implementation 4) introduction of an intelligent system capable of detecting deviations between budget and actual costs by providing a cognitive engine capable of training the algorithm
Expected results: Ai-based solution: 1) Technical and business requirements; 2) Data field collection for cost monitoring; 3) Intelligent quotation platform activities
Methodology: Needs and Requirements Analysis; – Analysis, of Concept; – Data Preparation Pipelines; – On site Test before Invest
Target: Industrial product provider – Platform Provider

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