Evaluation of control algorithms for smart electrical grids, energy storage devices, electrical systems, motors and power converters.

Service description

The evaluation of advanced algorithms in real-time plays a pivotal role in the development and control of both smart grid, hybrid energy storage devices, electrical systems, motors and power converters. This activity aims to comprehensively assess the stability and performance offered by different advanced algorithms in these domains.
The advanced algorithms will be rigorously tested using a predefined set of indicators tailored to assess the stability and performance of the smart grid and hybrid energy storage devices. The evaluation process will be conducted under realistic scenarios emulated in the Zero-Emission Lab grid, combining different renewable energy and storage resources and emulating buildings and industrial plant loads combining digital twins of the processes and an electronic load to create diverse operational conditions encountered in practical applications.
The output report will provide detailed insights into the algorithm results based on a predefined set of indicators specifically designed to evaluate their performance.
The target audience: energy systems developers and energy storage companies seeking to optimize their control strategies and hybrid energy storage solutions and manufacturers of power converters and electrical systems.

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