AI TEF for Assets Fleet Management

Service description

The service aims to support asset tracking and fleet management use cases through the combined use of selected connectivity and location technologies (e.g., GPS, WIFI, BLE, UWB), a testing facility that simulates an industrial environment and artificial intelligence algorithms and models. The service enables solution providers to test potential different AI-based use cases, such as (but not limited to):
o Intelligent route optimization: by leveraging the testing facility layout and equipment, different techniques on the vehicle routing problem (rule-based, graph-based, ML-based, etc.) can be validated;
o Automated environment navigation: developing AI-based capabilities to freely and safely move within the industrial layout;
o Distributed intelligence at fleet level: by leveraging the network infrastructure and the data inputs coming from physical assets, both static and moving ones, intelligent algorithms to manage and optimize fleet operations can be tested;
o Etc.
Expected results: Series of experiments needed to test and validate the industrial simulation model for the selected process, the route optimization algorithm and the fleet optimization algorithms adopted
Methodology: Needs and Requirements Analysis; – Analysis, of Concept; – Data Preparation Pipelines, – On site Test before Invest
Target: Manufactuiring Sector Logistic ditribuition

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