Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

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Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of laser-based micro manufacturing for micro Additive Manufacturing

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of liquid state composite processes, thermoseeting prepregs manufacturing and thermoplastic composites

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of micro manufacturing (micro- drilling/cutting/welding/machining)

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Prototyping and small pre-series production to validate the technology for specific components production.

Design and production of small series of functional prototypes. Experimentation and validation of the designed solutions...

Prototyping, programming and experimental validation of the robotic system.

Design and implementation of functional prototypes. Experimentation for validation of the designed solutions according to criteria...

Studying the precision of robots performing manufacturing operations

> Studying the precision achievable by a milling robot, the level of vibrations during machining and...

Systematic pattern extraction

Service that allows extracting its characteristic (systematic) patterns from a data set of individual patterns. The...

Teleoperation of robots

Despite the increasing level of implantable intelligence in the robot, there are situations in which human...

Time Series Forecast (TBD)

Procedures that, integrating AI/ML algorithms, make it possible to check the predictive potential of a time...