Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

Country node
Proof of concept with state-of-the-art equipment available at the Node.

Proof-of-concepts for companies making the equipment available to help them verify whether their concepts are likely...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation for specific manufacturing devices through integration support and testing...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to digital solutions development and validation (cybersecurity solutions, platform modules, services, etc.) through integration support...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing.

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of advanced joining technologies and surface technologies (laser-based)

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of laser surface texturing (LST)

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

AI-MATTERS offers a comprehensive service catalog that is constantly updated to meet the changing needs and expectations of the European manufacturing industry. European companies can use these services, or set up a new service. Contact us for more information.

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of liquid state composite processes, thermoseeting prepregs manufacturing and thermoplastic composites

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of micro manufacturing (micro- drilling/cutting/welding/machining)

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Prototyping and small pre-series production to validate the technology for specific components production.

Design and production of small series of functional prototypes. Experimentation and validation of the designed solutions...

Prototyping, programming and experimental validation of the robotic system.

Design and implementation of functional prototypes. Experimentation for validation of the designed solutions according to criteria...

Provision of a complex logistics and assembly environment

Feasibility report...

Quality Inspection of parts in manufacturing characterized by high variation, customization, and/or complex organic shapes

  • Evaluation of ability to leverage existing technology modules to cope a higher variety of parts beyond
Readiness and reliability of AI based solutions in manufacturing context

Recommanded practises on how to deploy and ensure the reliability of an AI solution in a...