Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

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Advanced 3D camera technologies

Testing and performance evaluation of 3D imaging devices, an fusion of their 2D and 3D outputs,...

Automation check

Evaluation report.


A quick concept development followed by a prototype of a collaborative setup, which objective is to...



Development of plugins – URCaps

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Development Projects

Partake in longer developments as subcontractor for larger projects with the customer.

Development Projects

Partake in longer developments as subcontractor for larger projects with the customer.

Drone check

A test is performed on drones to measure MTOW, center of mass etc. to be used...

Drone consulting

Advice on available drones, sensors, tools for a specific application and help to integrate different technology...

DTI CADMatcher research cell

Development of 2D CAD based localisation algorithms for robotic pick and place. Experimentation and testing on...

DTI Vision Box 2.0

Evaluation report.

DTI Vision Box deployment

Industrial quality inspection deployed tested and validated in a manufacturing line. Custom vision through the modular...

Hyperspectral Imaging testbed with conveyor

Investigation on spectral response of a large variety of test objects, from organic materials to plastic...

introduction to Cobots

A introductionary course of cobots...

Mini drone application

Development of AI/Vision based drone apps that can be used to control mini drones and gather...