Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

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Mobile logistics robots

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Motor and propeller measurement

Test different brushless motors along with propellers to measure thrust, torque, vibration and power...

On-Site Mobile Robot Implementation Assessment

Evaluating the feasibility and potential impact of integrating mobile robots into customer’s existing facilities. Leveraging our...

PILOT Project

A quick concept development followed by a prototype of a industrial robot setup, which objective is...

Robot safety assessment

Conducting comprehensive safety assessments of Service Robots by evaluating the safety mechanisms, emergency protocols, and potential...

Safe tool design

A quick concept development followed by a prototype of a collaborative and safe robot tool...

Safety test

A safety test of a robot cell. Validation of a robot cell meets the requirement of...

Sensor selection and evaluation

Systematic selection and evaluation of suitable sensors, such as 2D/3D Lidar, GPS, IMU, radar, ultrasonic, and...

Service robotics

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Tech development process

A quick sprint to innovate the design of a new or an existing product in preperation...

Technology test and assesment for startups

Help to develop prototype and tech advice...

Virtual Production

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Vision Check

A quick test of an industrial product to test which sensor technology can do quality inspection...

Vision POCs

A more in depth proof of concept of a vision task. Performed on our sensor lab...