Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.
Robot prototypes of proofs of concept of solutions linked to pallet logistics operations such as palletising...
This service offers tests and measurements to evaluate the performance of artificial vision and perception systems...
Retrospective and predictive analyses for estimating the costs and benefits of having a new machine, AI...
Complex machinery based on AI and robots with simplified control systems...
High-frequency and high-accuracy measurements can help to understand flexibibity/modeshapes of flexible products, or help to understand...
Robot prototypes of proofs of concept of solutions linked to logistics operations e.g. containerisation, product sorting,...
1) Production optimalisation 2) Time saving...
Proof-of-concepts for companies making the equipment available to help them verify whether their concepts are likely...
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation for specific manufacturing devices through integration support and testing...
Support to digital solutions development and validation (cybersecurity solutions, platform modules, services, etc.) through integration support...
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing.
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...
Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...
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