Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

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Certification of 3D coordinate data evaluation algorithms

Developers of 3D coordinate data evaluation algorithms can document level of agreement of their data fits...

Characterisation of control and quality control systems (AI based) using physically based simulation (PBS) of physico chemical processes (material transformation processes and surrounding environment) Generation of domain knowledge and sinthetic process data sets

Construction of physically based simulation models (continuous) of material transformation processes in manufacturing (for instance: injection,...

Characterisation of control and quality control systems (AI based) using real time Physically based digital twin (PBDT) of physico chemical processes (material transformation processes and surrounding environment) Virtual manufacturing facility and sinthetic process data sets

Construction of physically based digital twins of material transformation processes (for instance: injection, extrusion, stamping, peen...

Characterization of advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation – SLAM 2D-3D. Characterization of trajectories and performance evaluation of autonomous navigation systems

Evaluation of the performance offered by different advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation. through test batteries and...


Report (benchmark comparison) and access to a ChatBot pipeline...

Chatbots for post-sales customer support

Reduced response times, improved customer satisfaction, more efficient use of support resources, increased automation in customer...

Checking the integrity and defects of parts with robots and 3D vision, ultrasonic techniques and thermography

Robots & 3D vision:This inspection is volumetric in nature, for metallic and non-metallic materials, and is...


A quick concept development followed by a prototype of a collaborative setup, which objective is to...

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AI-MATTERS offers a comprehensive service catalog that is constantly updated to meet the changing needs and expectations of the European manufacturing industry. European companies can use these services, or set up a new service. Contact us for more information.

Computer modelling and simulation, data processing

1) Replacement of physical systems2) digital twin preparation3) independent verification...

Computer vision for circulary Economy and re-manufacturing

Reduced waste, improved identification of reusable components, enhanced resource efficiency, greater sustainability in production processes, and...

Conceptual design, simulation, solution architecture, safety analysis

Technical solutions and advice in several fields for robotic solutions oriented to handling, logistics, flexible and/or...

Confidence AI explainability service

General hardware & software services for using explainability libraries in specific industrial use cases can be...

Consultancy in metrology topics relevant for manufacturing

Demonstrate benefits of the Digital Metrological Twin for product quality control...