Consortium member
Dutch node
The Dutch node is located in the Brainport region in the south of the Netherlands and has 3 members. It builds upon already existing facilities and infrastructure (physical and digital).
The main location is Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven and complementary facilities and set-ups can be found at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and various TNO locations.
The node is specializes in high mix, low volume, high complexity manufacturing industry and targets
technologies such as:
- Human robot interaction
- Production automation simulation
- Vision technology

Node members

Brainport Industries


Node members
Fraunhofer IPA
- Leading the German node
- Part of Fraunhofer organisation
- Fraunhofer is biggest applied research organisation in Germany
- Fraunhofer IPA focusses on manufacturing and automation
Lead contact
Dr. Björn Kahl
Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion (IEW)
- Part of University of Stuttgart
- Research focus on electrical machines and contactless energy transfer
- Applications in the areas mobility, medical technology and industrial applications
Lead contact
Urs Pecha
Research Campus ARENA2036
- Research campus with over 50 partners from industry and science on one platform
- Focused on research in production and mobility
- Establishing services with robotic infrastructure for AI applications
Lead contact
Frederik Wulle
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
- National metrology institute
- Founded 1887
- Today: 3 sites, staff: ≈ 2000
- Agency of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
- Division Precision Engineering focus: manufacturing metrology
- Virtual instruments (dig. twin), Testing of algorithms for CMM
Lead contact
Dr. Harald Bosse
Node highlight
AI Matters movie @ the AI Brainport Summit
in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Ability to build on already existing facilities and infrastructure (physical and digital)
- The main physical facility is Brainport Industries Campus (BIC), including TNO setup
- The second facility at TU/e, focusing on building physical emulator where real-world factory floors and situations can be simulated on a smaller scale, including obstacles and production settings
- Complementary setups at various TNO locations, including mobile setups for on-site service provisioning
Node services
Human-Robot interaction
For example:
- AI-powered robots
- Cobots
- Intelligent grasping & object manipulation
- Task sharing
Factory-level optimization
For example:
- (Semi-)Automatic Assembly
- Logistics Management
- Process Planning
- Risk Management (AI Regulatory Sandbox)
- AI Reinforcement Learning for Production Planning
Examples of AI technologies shown
- Human-robot interaction: cobot-assisted assembly
- Semi-automatically generated Work Instructions based on CAD or video/speech, projected onto assembly station, tailored to operator experience level
- Dual robot assembly station