Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of laser-based micro manufacturing for micro Additive Manufacturing

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in the execution of pre-defined...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of laser surface texturing (LST)

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in the execution of pre-defined...

Onsite experimentation services in the field of micro manufacturing (micro- drilling/cutting/welding/machining)

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale (reliability, performance, robustness) in...

Onsite experimentation services in the field of laser-based micro manufacturing for micro Additive Manufacturing

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale (reliability, performance, robustness) in...

Onsite experimentation services in the field of laser surface texturing (LST)

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale (reliability, performance, robustness) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers in the field of liquid state composite processes, thermoseeting prepregs manufacturing and thermoplastic composites

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in the execution of pre-defined...

Onsite experimentation services for manufacturing adopters in the field of liquid state composite processes, thermoseeting prepregs manufacturing and thermoplastic composites

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale (reliability, performance, robustness) in...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation for specific manufacturing devices through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Onsite experimentation services for manufacturing adopters

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools linked to specific manufacturing devices at semi-industrial...

Data enrichment and dataset provisioning.

Data elaboration based on existing manufacturing datasets and provisioning of industry-relevant collections of manufacturing datasets linked to the production systems...

Evaluation and characterization of advanced algorithms for applications in operational processes (manufacturing – warehouses – logistics) and demand forecasting.

Evaluation of the performance, quality, and accuracy of results offered by different advanced algorithms for specific applications in industrial operational...

Evaluation of alternative, complementary or improved solutions for advanced algorithms for applications in operational processes (manufacturing – warehouses – logistics) and demand forecasting.

Evaluation of customer’s advanced algorithms for applications in operational processes (manufacturing – warehouses – logistics) and demand forecastin against different...

Evaluation of control systems for a cobot in terms of trajectory execution precision and collision avoidance

Characterization of the performance of the cobot control system through test batteries and measurements to evaluate trajectory precision and collision...

Characterization of advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation – SLAM 2D-3D. Characterization of trajectories and performance evaluation of autonomous navigation systems

Evaluation of the performance offered by different advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation. through test batteries and measurements to assess their...

Evaluation of alternative, complementary or improved autonomous navigation strategies for specific use cases – SLAM 2D-3D

Evaluation of customer’s autonomous navigation strategies against different use cases. Analysis of performance. Proposal and initial evaluation of alternative, complementary...

Characterisation of control and quality control systems (AI based) using real time Physically based digital twin (PBDT) of physico chemical processes (material transformation processes and surrounding environment)Virtual manufacturing facility and sinthetic process data sets

Construction of physically based digital twins of material transformation processes (for instance: injection, extrusion, stamping, peen forming, forging, RTM, 3D...

Characterisation of control and quality control systems (AI based) using physically based simulation (PBS) of physico chemical processes (material transformation processes and surrounding environment)Generation of domain knowledge and sinthetic process data sets

Construction of physically based simulation models (continuous) of material transformation processes in manufacturing (for instance: injection, extrusion, stamping, peen forming,...

Assessment of AI-based fault and diagnosis algorithms for electric systems

AI can help in detecting and diagnosing faults in electric systems. By analyzing real-time data from sensors and historical data,...

Evaluation of control algorithms for smart electrical grids, energy storage devices, electrical systems, motors and power converters.

The evaluation of advanced algorithms in real-time plays a pivotal role in the development and control of both smart grid,...

Evaluation of different control strategies and algorithms for smart electrical grids, energy storage devices, electrical systems, motors and power converters.Analysis of performance. Proposal and initial evaluation of alternative, complementary or improved solutions

Evaluation of customer’s control strategies and algorithms for smart electrical grids against different use cases. Analysis of performance. Proposal and...

Performance Evaluation of Artificial Vision and Perception Systems used for automatic Identification in industrial processes

This service offers tests and measurements to evaluate the performance of artificial vision and perception systems used for automatic Identification...

Evaluation of alternative, complementary or improved solutions for artificial vision and perception algorithms used for automatic Identification in industrial processes including algorithms to provide advanced data processing of heterogeneous data sources (egg vision and data sources of information)

Evaluation of customer’s solutions for artificial vision and perception algorithms used for automatic Identification in industrial processes against different use...

Evaluation of object identification algorithms for robotic processes

Evaluation of the performance offered by different advanced algorithms for object recognition. The result will be a technical report describing...

Evaluation of technologies for environment recognition and object identification in robotic processes

Evaluation of customer’s technologies for environment recognition and object identification in robotic processes against different use cases. Analysis of performance.

Intelligent Root Cause identification for quality check

Intelligent solution test for: - Automatic correlation between faults and defect and their pricipal caueses - identification of corretive actions...

Asset Tracking Experimentation

Series of Exèperiments needed to validate the following features: - Comunication functionalities (Precisons, Latency, etc.) - Cognitive functionalities of logistic...

Measuring human factor risk: Social Driven Vulnerability Test

Series of experiments needed to test: - vulnerability assessment of the industrial asset - the risk of the industrial asset...

Smart Digital Twin of Industrial Plant for service delivery

AI-base solution able to: 1) Especially validated simulation model for industrial company that needs to simulate its industrial processes 2)...

Smart Digital Twin for Product Design

AI-base solution able to: 1) Automated workflow of New Product Development 2) Automated Design review process for optimizing the ergonomics...

Automatic entity extraction from unstructured documents data

- enriched database, structured company knowledge and automated knowledge-intensive processes.

AI for predictive maintenance application for machine builder

AI-base solution able to: 1) Support operator intervention: he is called to actively interact with predictive system 2) Implement Human-machine...

Ai based inventory management and smart scheduling activities optimization

Testing activities needed to validate the following feature: - bottleneck identification - Multi - scheduling scenarios proposition based on machine...

Intelligent and dynamic forecasting for demad planning

AI - based solution: 1) Automated workflow of production planning activities; 2) Automated data collection from market and specific clusterization...

Intelligent quotation suite platform

Ai-based solution: 1) Technical and business requirements; 2) Data field collection for cost monitoring; 3) Intelligent quotation platform activities.

AI for process optimization with collaborative robot

AI-base solution able to: 1) Assess data quality 2) Assess pipeline efficiency 3) Recommendations for improving data and quality...

AI for process optimization with collaborative robot

AI-base solution able to: 1) correct surface detection 2) Autonomous trajectory generation 3) Self-identification of defects on machining activities...

Validation of Machine Translation solutions for industrial applications

Validated machine/speech translation solutions.

Monitoring and diagnosis of AI-system for manufacturing

AI-based solution able to: 1) Monitor properties or faults 2) Predict failures or estimate unobservable parameters 3) Identify root causes...

Planning and Scheduling for Costification in Manufacturing

Retrospective and predictive analyses for estimating the costs and benefits of having a new machine, AI solutions, robots, ….

Testing of translation solutions for industrial applications

Test report with detailed system performance under different scenarios and eventual insights on ways to improve performance...

Validation of Vision Based Systems for 2D/3D Dynamic Scene Understanding in Manufacturing

- Validation of system performance, - highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement...

Validation of Vision Based Systems for 2D/3D Dynamic Scence Understanding in Manufacturing

- Validation of system performance, - highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement...

Validation of Metrology Based Systems for Quality control in Manufacturing

- Validation of system performance, - highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement...

Characterization of active and passive sensors in a metrology lab

- Validation of system performance, - highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement...

Testing and optimization of Planning and Scheduling features for Manufacturing

Complex machinery based on AI and robots with simplified control systems...

Planning and Scheduling for improving automation in Manufacturing

Complex machinery based on AI and robots with simplified control systems...

Software Engineering process revision for AI applications in Manufacturing

AI-based software suitable for manufacturing...

Software Engineering process revision and validation of AI-based software solutions for manufacturing

AI-based software suitable for manufacturing...

AI-based software solution testing with automatic test case generation

AI-based software for manufacturing where each application feature works as per the identified software requirements...

Validation of AI models for time series forecasting and anomaly detection in manufacturing

Optimized AI model for time series analysis and forecasting tailored on the specific industrial need...