Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

Country node
Evaluation of object identification algorithms for robotic processes

Evaluation of the performance offered by different advanced algorithms for object recognition.The result will be a...

Evaluation of technologies for environment recognition and object identification in robotic processes

Evaluation of customer’s technologies for environment recognition and object identification in robotic processes against different use...

Evaluation of the pertinence of using federated learning in a given context (similar equipements in a same factory, similar factories), test of an implementation of fedrated learning

The service offers to test and evaluate federated learning approaches for combined edge/cloud AI architecture.

Experiment AMR in specific environment

Assess autonomous driving of AMR in specific industrial environment, use a robotic arm on a mobile...

Experiment connectivity solutions (private 5G, Ethernet TSN) for optimized use in the factory

Experiment industrial use-case using the network infrastructure (private 5G, Ethernet TSN) – for instance, real-time feedback...

Experiment teleoperation systems

Use of teleoperation systems in specific industrial context...

Experimental design, insights extraction from experimental data

The service grants access to ExpressIF Materials...

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

AI-MATTERS offers a comprehensive service catalog that is constantly updated to meet the changing needs and expectations of the European manufacturing industry. European companies can use these services, or set up a new service. Contact us for more information.

Experimenting with & deploying digital operator support technology to shorten learning time and increase employability & quality

Technology evaluation...

Experimenting with human robot interaction


Feasibility study and AI technology evaluation

This service is designed to assist companies in evaluating the feasibility of existing use cases or...

Force/compliance-based robot guidance

Traditionally, robots are capable of repeatedly positioning a tool to perform tasks that do not require...

Formal methods application for reliable industrial systems

This service aims to increase the reliability of complex industrial systems through formal verification techniques. The...

Gen AI document data extraction and memorization in DB

Increased accuracy in data extraction, reduced manual effort, faster access to structured information, improved data management,...

GenI throublehooting and log analysis

Faster identification of system inefficiencies, optimized operations, reduced troubleshooting time, minimized downtime, and improved system reliability...