Artificial intelligence for a competitive industry

The objective of the event will be to present the AI-MATTERS initiative, the services to offer companies from Galicia, and serve as a meeting point between the different agents relevant to AI at the regional and national level with a presence in the industrial sector.

AI-MATTERS is one of the 4 major projects that the European Commission approved within the framework of the TEF (Testing and Experimentation Facilities) program, aimed at the creation and provision of technological services to European industrial companies based on digital technologies that make them more competitive. their productive processes.

Technological partners from France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece and Spain participate in it. AIMEN is one of the partners that participates in the Spanish node made up of Tecnalia, ITAINNOVA and the association of industrial machinery manufacturers AFM.

The full event agenda is available here.


Event information:
Event aimed at:
Manufacturing ecosystem in Galicia (end users, digitalization technology providers, research centers, universities, other agents of the Galician innovation ecosystem).