Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

Country node
Country node
Use of simulation for process planning and monitoring

Use of process and equipement modeling/simulation at a functional abstraction level to optimize process planning monitoring...

Use of simulation to optimize production lines

Use of simulation tools for the optimisation and design of production lines, virtual commissioning or training...

Use the digital twin of an operator to improve workstation ergonomics

The digital twin of an operator replicates their movements and identifies risky postures or actions. It...

Validation of AI models for time series forecasting and anomaly detection in manufacturing

Optimized AI model for time series analysis and forecasting tailored on the specific industrial need...

Validation of Metrology Based Systems for Quality control in Manufacturing

  • Validation of system performance,

  • highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement

Validation of Vision Based Systems for 2D/3D Dynamic Scene Understanding in Manufacturing

  • Validation of system performance,

  • highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement

Virtual Production

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Vision Check

A quick test of an industrial product to test which sensor technology can do quality inspection...

Vision POCs

A more in depth proof of concept of a vision task. Performed on our sensor lab...

XR-based training tool for industrial activities

The service provides a demonstration of a XR-based training materials at large scale...

XR-based training tool for industrial activities

The service provides a demosntration of a XR-based training materials at large scale...