Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

Country node
Readiness and reliability of AI based solutions in manufacturing context

Research & Develop practises on how to deploy and ensure the reliability of an AI solution.

Real time decision making in industrial sector

Quicker, data-driven decisions, optimized production and operational workflows, enhanced agility, reduced response times to issues, and...

Robot safety assessment

Conducting comprehensive safety assessments of Service Robots by evaluating the safety mechanisms, emergency protocols, and potential...

Robotic cell proofing

  • Validation of system performance,

  • highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement

Safe tool design

A quick concept development followed by a prototype of a collaborative and safe robot tool...

Safety test

A safety test of a robot cell. Validation of a robot cell meets the requirement of...

Selecting Digital & AR-MR operator support technologies

Technology evaluation...

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

AI-MATTERS offers a comprehensive service catalog that is constantly updated to meet the changing needs and expectations of the European manufacturing industry. European companies can use these services, or set up a new service. Contact us for more information.

Service robotics

technology evaluation and demonstration.

Setting up a prototype to test manufacturing tasks with a cobot

Assessment of collaborative system for task such as inspection, sanding, finishing, pick & place...

Setting up an XAI based on ExpressIF to make decisions or solve problems (e.g. planning, control)

The service grants access to ExpressIF webservice for few months and includes the interviews...

Setting up an XAI based on ExpressIF to make decisions or solve problems (e.g. planning, control)

The service grants access to ExpressIF webservice for few months...

Setting up test-bed for automatic disassembly task

The service helps customers evaluate intelligent robotic systems for performing complex disassembly tasks...

Shopfloor Optimization with AI based Clustering

Report with Test Results and Evaluation...