Our Services

Below is just an extract of some of the services available in our catalogue. There are a lot more. Please contact us for more information.

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3D Bin-picking: Identification and picking up of the unsorted parts

Demonstrate that the applied technology can be leveraged (adapted) to be used for different objects and...

A proof of concept of how to deploy the Digital Product Passport across the value chain

Technology evaluation, demonstratror...

AI Factory Planner

Demonstrate that application of AI reinforcement learning can greatly improve efficiently and reduce costs as compared...

Automation and workflow optimization for manufacturing characterized by infinite shape & material variation

Evaluation of ability to leverage existing technology for high variability of parts...

Experimenting with & deploying digital operator support technology to shorten learning time and increase employability & quality

Technology evaluation...

Experimenting with human robot interaction


Geometric validation and calibration tool

Validate position accuracy of robots. Validate pose-detection of robots. Calibration of sensors on the robot.

Identification of parts characterized by infinite geometries & material variation

  • Evaluation of ability to leverage existing technology modules to cope a higher variety of parts beyond
Manufacturing companies: Experiment with exchanging manufacturing information across the value chain to enable the transition towards remanufacturing

Technology evaluation, demonstratror...

Material handling and bagging systems processing an infinity of random parts in high mix manufacturing

  • Evaluation of ability to leverage existing technology modules to cope a higher variety of parts beyond
Operator of the Future

Demonstrate applicability of the solution for manufacturing industry and fulfilling needs of multiple users - SME's...

Position measurement and tracking system

High-frequency and high-accuracy measurements can help to understand flexibibity/modeshapes of flexible products, or help to understand...

Quality Inspection of parts in manufacturing characterized by high variation, customization, and/or complex organic shapes

  • Evaluation of ability to leverage existing technology modules to cope a higher variety of parts beyond
Selecting Digital & AR-MR operator support technologies

Technology evaluation...