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Round table session: ‘AI applications in the (high-tech) manufacturing industry’- October 31st

Human-Robot Interaction

Use of Digital tools for protoyping new product with additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing allows fast prototyping and small-series production. WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) is a process...

Use of AI algorithm for behavioral network anomaly detection.

Test AI-based intrusion detection system and assess its relevance for protecting network trafic associated to considered...

Teleoperation of robots

Despite the increasing level of implantable intelligence in the robot, there are situations in which human...

Detection and localisation of parts by vision for robot guidance

Provision of robotic systems with optical capabilities so that they are able to flexibly modify their...

Preparation of orders

Robot prototypes of proofs of concept of solutions linked to logistics operations e.g. containerisation, product sorting,...


Robot prototypes of proofs of concept of solutions linked to pallet logistics operations such as palletising...

Dual-arm coordinated motion

Coordinated and online programming of the trajectory of the arms of a dual-arm robot considering the...

Automatic or easy programming of robotic cells

Starting from a digitalised work environment in which CAD models are available, an operator, with no...

Human-Robot Interaction, Safe Environment Monitoring and Collaborative Robotics

Establishing communication between people and robots to carry out tasks in collaboration, both verbal and gestural,...

Automatic generation of collision-free trajectories

This service has two strategies: the static one referring to programming the trajectory after perceiving the...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Onsite experimentation services for manufacturing adopters

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale...

Proof-of-concept for technology providers

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Onsite experimentation services for manufacturing adopters

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale...

Metal AM (LMD, WAAM) robotised process for tech. providers technologies testing and validation

Support to Hardware/Software technologies development and validation through integration support and testing (interoperability, connectivity, compatibility) in...

Metal AM (LMD, WAAM)and polymeric/composite AM (FFF, AFP) robotised processes for onsite experimentation services

Validation and benchmarking of Hardware & Software technologies as well as innovative tools at semi-industrial scale...

Evaluation of control systems for a cobot in terms of trajectory execution precision and collision avoidance

Characterization of the performance of the cobot control system through test batteries and measurements to evaluate...

Characterization of advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation – SLAM 2D-3D. Characterization of trajectories and performance evaluation of autonomous navigation systems

Evaluation of the performance offered by different advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation. through test batteries and...

Evaluation of alternative, complementary or improved autonomous navigation strategies for specific use cases – SLAM 2D-3D

Evaluation of customer’s autonomous navigation strategies against different use cases. Analysis of performance. Proposal and initial...

AI for process optimization with collaborative robot

AI-base solution able to: 1) correct surface detection 2) Autonomous trajectory generation 3) Self-identification of defects...

Validation of Machine Translation solutions for industrial applications

Validated machine/speech translation solutions.

Testing of translation solutions for industrial applications

Test report with detailed system performance under different scenarios and eventual insights on ways to improve...

Intuitive robot programming

This service is dedicated to the testing and experimenetation with AI tools enabling intuitive and ad...

Identify relevant Tests, Experiments, and key partners towards enabling or prooving maturity of AI solutions for integration and deployment

The service must enable the company to initiate further test or experimentation services...

Use the digital twin of an operator to improve workstation ergonomics

Provide recommandations to optimize the workstation ergonomics...

Testing of Virtual Reality (VR) technology to learn technical gesture

Demonstrate the benefits of VR technology to learn gesture and apply it to robotic systems...

Testing Natural Language Processing

Verify that the technology meets the requirements in manufacturing context...

Experiment AMR in specific environment

Evaluate mobile robot capacities on industrial use-cases...

Testing of intelligent robot calibration methods

Demonstrate the benefit of the technology...

Test of intelligent grasping – object recognition and manipulation

Demonstrate capabilities of intelligent grapsing technology on specified use cases...

Experiment teleoperation systems

Evaluate the performance of teleoperation system in industrial context...

Position measurement and tracking system

High-frequency and high-accuracy measurements can help to understand flexibibity/modeshapes of flexible products, or help to understand...

Robot learning by demonstration

To minimize time spent in programming how to perform a task, the user can teach the...

Single and dual arm cobot testbed

Experiment with one or two Panda cobots to investigate if they can add value in the...

Experimenting with human robot interaction


Identification of the position and location and picking up of the unsorted parts

Demonstrate that the existing technology can be leveraged (adapted) to be used for different objects...





Proofing of AI implemented in robotic cell operations

- Validation of system performance - highlighting weakness and suggesting possible improvement...

Mobile robots, UGV, UAV experimentation and development support

1) proved applications of AI in mobile robots 2) verified safety of robots in human-robot cooperation...